
Prime Minister Borut Pahor: “This is not an Issue of Courage, this is an Issue of Money”

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia attended an extraordinary session of the National Assembly on economic and financial crisis. The National Assembly adopted conclusions on the Government measures presented to alleviate financial and economic crisis and amounting to 800 million euro, and established that this was a consistent set of measures by which the Government of the Republic of Slovenia would limit the rise in the number of unemployed persons, ensure an appropriate liquidity of enterprises and maintain competitiveness. The amendments to the Taxation Procedure Act and to the Personal Income Tax Act were adopted.


(Foto: Bor Slana/Bobo)


To the reservations of the session proposers that the response of the Government of the RS to the present economic situation was too slow and not enough ambitious, Prime Minister Borut Pahor replied that this was not an issue of courage but an issue of money. “The Government of the RS took but 29 days to prepare the measures; thus we earmarked 68 million euro to increase the expenditure for research and development, 70 million euro to slow down the decline in the economic growth, and 668 million euro to preserve jobs and to improve the liquidity of enterprises,” said Prime Minister Pahor. The Prime Minister added that some proposal of the opposition were acceptable. Thus the Government would promptly ensure the reduction of settlement terms to 30 days.