
We wish to set a new milestone in science, says Prime Minister Borut Pahor

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Borut Pahor, this morning had a meeting with representatives of higher education and research activity. The meeting was one of the last preliminary meetings between the Government and various social groups and institutions, held with a view to establishing “development dialogue”.


(Foto: Bor Slana/ Bobo)


After the meeting, the Prime Minister highlighted the roles of science and education, which, he believes, are irreplaceable in terms of overcoming the current economic situation and creating a new development paradigm. “This is why the Government will devote special attention to these areas, since it is here where we wish to overcome old patterns and set new milestones and new standards,” stressed the Prime Minister. He welcomed the readiness of the representatives for cooperation.


Prime Minister Pahor also reported that a meeting with representatives of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts – the last in the series of “development dialogue” meetings – was to be held the following day. In addition, in light of the aforementioned dialogue, a joint meeting of all representatives of relevant social groups and institutions is to be held next month. This meeting will provide an opportunity for participants to present their views on the impacts of the current economic situation and to discuss the future development of Slovenia.