
Prime Minister Borut Pahor and his Special Representative for BiH Milan Kučan make statements for the media

Following the Government’s appointment of Milan Kučan as a Special Prime Minister’s Representative for BiH at its last Thursday session, the two politicians made a statement for the media regarding the new role of the former Slovenian President of the Republic. Prime Minister Pahor thanked the former President for accepting this demanding task and pointed out that the Government’s decision for such unconventional move – not typical of Slovenian Governments in the past - was taken with a view to establishing the possible ways to accelerate development of Bosnia and Herzegovina in connection with its constitutional system and, consequently, the future of BiH.


In his statement for the media, Prime Minister Pahor explained the reasons for the said decision, which got the support of the ministerial corps: »Lately, Slovenia, thanks to its efforts aimed at this part of Southeastern Europe, including the Brdo process, has come out as a country with friendly contacts everywhere in the region, which imply comprehensive reinforcement of economic and political relations. At international events Slovenia is often asked about its views on the positions by the neighbouring countries with regard to peace, well-being and future of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as of other nations and countries in this part of Europe. Prime Minister Pahor told that the report which is to have confidential nature will be an account of considerations by the Special Representative Milan Kučan regarding essential efforts to be made in connection with the future of BiH.


»The talks concerning increased Slovenia's involvement in BiH constitutional changes took some time and, since this issue implies a great deal of responsibility, I was not ready to accept it hastily and easily«, said the Prime Minister's Special Representative Milan Kučan. He observed that his task following the talks in Bosnia and Herzegovina would be to establish whether the BiH key political players are ready to tackle more outstanding constitutional reforms to render the BiH State more functional and bring it closer to the process of integration into EU; this, however, includes the issue of alternatives to be used in case when no such readiness can be established in BiH. »It is in Slovenia's interest and its responsibility to help when such help is desirable and expected. This concerns our contribution to the commonly expressed will that BiH become a factor of stability and progress in the whole of the region« with which Slovenia shares historical, political and economic ties«, pointed out the Prime Minister's Special Representative Milan Kučan in his statement for the media.