
Prime Minister Pahor takes questions from parliamentary deputies

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, answered questions from deputies at the 23rd regular session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. The first question was posed to Prime Minister Pahor by deputy Alojz Potočnik of the Zares Party and concerned the agreement among EU members to create a crisis mechanism for troubled euro-zone countries and the terms under which the Republic of Slovenia would support amendments to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, or the provision of legal basis allowing a European stability mechanism to be set up. Deputy Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti of the Slovenian National Party asked the Prime Minister about a platform of this Government for the proceedings before the Arbitral Tribunal and about intended steps to be taken by the Government with respect to the unilateral declaration attached to the Arbitration Agreement. The next question was raised by Slovenian People's Party deputy Radovan Žerjav. He asked Prime Minister Pahor about the actions the Government intended to take with a view to successfully drawing the allocated EUR 4.2 billion from the EU budget. Deputy Zvone Černač of the Social Democratic Party put forward a question regarding reforms on the agenda of the Slovenian Government and about the time frame in which they would occur.