
Prime Minister Pahor at a videoconference with the members of the Slovenian Armed Forces attached to military representations abroad or participating in international operations and missions

Prime Minister Pahor today addressed via videoconference the members of the Slovenian Armed Forces attached to military representations abroad or participating in international operations and missions. On behalf of the Slovenian Government and Slovenian citizens, Mr Pahor stressed how proud he was of their work assessed as extremely good. “On the occasion of celebrating the 20th anniversary of independence, I have also mentioned the dreams. Twenty years ago we took the fate into our own hands and decided for our own state at the right moment, taking a historical opportunity. Who would have thought back then that we were to become what we are now and even embark on peace keeping missions all over the world. And who would have dared to even think of our men heading those peace-keeping forces,” said Prime Minister Pahor.


Prime Minister Pahor went on to emphasize that this Government would do everything in its power to provide the members of the Slovenian Armed Forces abroad with the best possible conditions for their operation. “However, I have to say that it is my command that you all return alive and well from the missions." The Prime Minister also told that when talking to other leaders, they expressed great appreciation of dedicated work carried out by the Slovenian soldiers, and added that fame of their highly professional work extended beyond our borders, which makes us very proud. Prime Minister Pahor also said that at its every session, the Slovenian Government was discussing the situation in Afghanistan and other missions where our people were engaged, paying great attention to their security. “We are aware that you are soldiers and that this exposes you to certain dangers, and our discussions of security issue refer to countries undergoing the transition process, which is also the reason for your presence there: to facilitate the transfer of power to representatives of the Afghanistan people, so that their state can function independently,” said Mr Pahor, adding that the mission they were performing was invaluable.

At the close of his address via videoconference, the Prime Minister, Borut Pahor, extended his best wishes for Christmas and New Year holidays to all those who in these festive days cannot be at home in the circle of their closest relatives, but must carry out a job which he highly appreciates. Alongside the Minister of Defence, Ljubica Jelušič, this event was attended by other high representatives of the Slovenian Armed Forces.