
Prime Minister: “The Government has sufficient direction to continue its work.”

(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/SPA)

After today's meeting with the two coalition partners, the Prime Minister told the media that he was satisfied with the talks: “The Government has the short- and long-term direction to continue its work.  We must do our utmost to enable the state to function normally.  The situation in Slovenia is not so inauspicious that a radical intervention would be needed; therefore, ill-advised political moves should be prevented.”


The Prime Minister also conveyed the main message of the meeting: “As long as we are responsible for running the country, we will not give up. We have led the state out of recession, the economy is recovering and the unemployment rate is falling. In Slovenia, social cohesion is at a very high level but far-reaching reforms are needed to preserve and enhance its competitiveness.” 


In order to maintain the downward trend in unemployment and sustainable public finances, the Government prepared two solutions: a revised budget and an intervention law. The financial department will make the calculations which will serve as a basis for the Government's final decisions on the revised budget and the proposed law to be sent to the National Assembly by the end of this month. The Prime Minister also announced that a consultative meeting with the social partners is scheduled for this Friday to discuss, among other things, the trade unions' new proposal for the pension reform, and the planned health care and labour market reforms.