
Prime Minister Pahor meets the leaders of all faiths of the Holy Land: a call to end violence and continue peace negotiations

(Photo: Nebojša Tejić/SPA)

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor today, as part of his visit to the Palestinian territories, met firstly with representatives from the Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land (CRIHL).  The Council includes the Holy Land's most senior Jewish, Muslim and Christian community representatives.  Prime Minister Pahor welcomed the meeting since they are important religious leaders that have a particularly important influence on their respective communities in the Middle East. The CRIHL representatives thanked the Prime Minister for this opportunity and the chance to present their views on the peace process which has to date failed to include them to a sufficient extent. The commitment to peace is the meeting point of all human intentions and wishes, with truth and reconciliation also playing an important part, said the religious leaders.  In their opinion, these elements should be included in any solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


In their view, Jerusalem's status is vital. By stressing peaceful coexistence and cohabitation between different communities they can make an important contribution to creating a positive atmosphere for conflict resolution.  In their view, Slovenia's experience in resolving disputes with its neighbour, Croatia, is a good example of conflict resolution.  Prime Minister Pahor encouraged the leaders to draw up a joint call to end all violence and engage in peace negotiations as soon as possible, so as to create a positive atmosphere which would, in turn, enable the finalisation of a political agreement. Such a call would be a way for the religious leaders to be included in the peace process. The leaders welcomed the Prime Minister's suggestion.  He also invited them to visit Slovenia to build on the initiative.