
Prime Minister Pahor calls a meeting with representatives of trade unions and pensioners

(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/SPA)

Following a meeting held with the presidents of all trade union confederations and associations and with the Slovenian Federation of Pensioners’ Organisations representatives, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor said that the Government side could be successful in preparing a draft intervention act to be discussed by the National Assembly in its new term of office. »Chances to have the intervention act submitted to the National Assemly still exist«, said Prime Minister Pahor  and added that »the draft proposal in question could reduce the disburdening to a half which is still better than nothing. To this end, the Government would provide the necessary calculation«.


In spite of its limited powers, the Government decided to continue with the preparation of measures which could be of help to the new government. This is imposed on it by the time »when financial markets change very quickly, including the fiscal conditions in the eurozone affected by the debt crisis«, pointed out the Prime Minister.