Bernard Brščič was born on 23 August 1973. After obtaining International Baccalaureate at Bežigrad Gymnasium he continued his studies at the FELU - Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. His BA thesis on the reform of the Slovenian pension system was granted a prestigious university Prešeren award. Brščič holds master of science degrees in economics from FELU and the London School of Economics and Political Science.


From 1996-2012 he was a research and teaching assistant at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. He taught Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Political Economy and History of Economic Thought. His research interest include pension systems and the welfare state, political economy, history of economic thought and intellectual history of liberalism. Recently he prepared the Slovenian edition of collected works of Slovenian expat Ljubo Sirc, Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations and Friedrich August von Hayek’s Constitution of Liberty.

He is the president of the council of Jože Pučnik Institute and a collaborator of the London based Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies, managed by dr. Ljubo Sirc.