4. 12. 2012

Slovenian Prime Minister Janša: "It’s time to focus the energy on solutions".

(Photo: Archive PMO)

In his statement to the press prior to today’s regular coalition meeting, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, emphasised that it was time to focus the accumulating energy on seeking solutions to the problems that had piled up. In his words, it is not enough to merely establish that all is wrong.


Two days ago, Prime Minister Janša announced the possibility to reform the political system and the proposals have been coming in since. "It is necessary to put forward the solutions and if we now compete in proposing solutions, we will reach the goal sooner," the Prime Minister pointed out explaining that he awaited the proposals of all parliamentary parties and other players.


The Slovenian Prime Minister also announced his intention to convene within a few days a consultation of the presidents and group leaders of the parliamentary parties with a view to identifying the solutions that enjoyed sufficient support.