24. 12. 2012

Christmas and New Year’s Address by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, December 2012

A Winter’s Tale about the Approaching Spring

(Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/SPA)

Slovenia experienced its “silent night,” the birth of the independent state, shortly before Christmas, in the midst of a harsh winter. ‘The Winter’s Tale’ by Slovenian fairy tale author Mjuta Povasnica from Slavia Friulana in Italy is about a baby born in the middle of the harshest winter night. Villagers gather dry branches and make a big bonfire to keep the baby warm. But the fire suddenly begins to fade. Everybody is distressed and concerned that the baby may die from the cold. But this is when the sun appears from behind the hill and says: “I am back. And I am even stronger and heartier than before. My warmth will suffice for everybody. The little baby will live.” And happiness took over again – over the young leaves and blades of grass, over animals that woke up and returned to the sun-drenched land.


Twenty-two years have passed since the birth of Slovenia before that Christmas. In this period, we have survived many an ordeal as a state and a nation. The years of spring ardour exchanged with rich harvests of autumn which filled our granaries to the brim. There were periods of winter frost when the sun shone only rarely and all reserves were spent. But like in ‘The Winter’s Tale’, the sun always returned and brought new life, new hope.


The situation today is much the same. The snowmen who have robbed all our reserves during the winter are beginning to melt. Slovenia is facing its “Easter”, its rebirth, as the new growth that will spring up through the dried and rotting leaves will bring enthusiasm and mirth. The old life under the snow, dried up and dead, will give way to the new, young life.


And this is what our common tomorrow will be like. Our young Slovenia born in the Christmas period is the most beautiful gift we have. It is like our child who unites us, it is our common pride. It is our common concern and it should be our common joy, too.

The longest night of the year is already behind us. It is not the night when we wait for the clock to strike midnight. It is the night of the solstice created by the nature. From there on, each new day will be longer and brighter. Each day will bring more sun. All until the snow in the fields starts to melt and dandelions spring up on the young green lawns. And although our pantries will be rather empty by that time, as last year’s stocks always run out, we should celebrate the spring.


Even if we are not aware of it, we all yearn for spring. We are delighted to see the snowmen melting away, their hats and noses falling off, their shapes dissolving in the first rays of the spring sun. They will be replaced by healthy and virtuous people, who will, young and refreshed, plough the fields and sow the seeds to sprout and grow into our food.


There is no magic stick that would bring us treasures of gold. And there is no white bearded man travelling the world to bring us solutions. What is still here are the values that kept us as a nation and as a society through our long and often cold history. Honesty, freedom, patriotism, solidarity, diligence. And there is hope and belief that the sun has started to rise on us. When veiled by a cloud, we will know that the winds of our persistence and courage will chase it away and the sun will shine again.


At its birth, Slovenia's cradle was adorned with great expectations. Many have already come true; some are yet to become reality. Twenty-two years is not a long period for a state. We must not be too demanding, but must neither be contented too soon. All our anguish and worries will pass and all our expectations will be fulfilled. Let us trust that everything comes at the right time.


As a Prime Minister and as a person, I will strive to renew the hopes and belief that were shared by our nation and our citizens twenty-two years ago when we were all eagerly awaiting a decision and longing for the birth of the independent Slovenia, our true homeland. To draw strength from this belief during these difficult times. Let us revive the authentic wishes that bring us closer together and place in the forefront the period that united us in a unique historic act. May this be our core, around which we gather now when we feel a new dawn approaching. New hope, new day.


Dear fellow Slovenians, dear citizens of Slovenia, I wish you a peaceful and blessed Christmas; let us make 2013 a good year, together.