21. 4. 2012

Prime Minister Janez Janša: "Earth Day reminds us that we cannot consume more than we have."

(Photo: Archive PMO)

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, promotes awareness-raising initiatives and events marking 22 April, which was proclaimed International Mother Earth Day by the United Nations.


"The world's population is increasing and we are faced with demographic challenges and insufficient natural resources to fulfil our needs. The time has come for all nations, not only Europe, to change the systems of measures in order to adjust to the new situation. Our careless exploitation will severely diminish the quality of life for future generations. The adverse consequences of our actions clearly demonstrate that changes are necessary. The global financial crisis; global warming and air pollution; lack of clean drinking water; lack of quality and safe food … and the ensuing increase in the number of people suffering from cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and depression," said the Prime Minister.    

Earth Day reminds us of the scarcity of our resources and the consequences of our irresponsible conduct, which are already evident. Mr Janša is convinced that our future rests on sustainable development, and, therefore, remains firm in his support for the austerity measures proposed, now a hotly debated issue in Slovenia. Last but not least, we should appreciate what we have at home.  Natural assets, which are considered a luxury commodity elsewhere, have not been fully exploited in Slovenia and, as such, provide an important source for Slovenia's future economic development.