26. 6. 2013

Prime Minister Alenka Bratušek: "The words best describing the first 100 days of this Government are dialogue and cooperation."

Photo: Nebojša Tejić/STA

Thursday, 27 June 2013, marks the 100th day of the Government led by Alenka Bratušek.   At a press conference held on this occasion, the Prime Minister presented the major achievements of her Government in its first 100 days, and priorities for its future work.   


By way of introduction, the Prime Minister thanked the ministers for their good and successful work in the first 100 days, and stressed that contrary to all previous governments, the current one was not left to work in peace during its initial 100 days. "When I took up the Government, the country was in flames. The budget inherited from the former government was a catastrophe. Slovenia found itself in the spotlight of the international media as the next European domino to fall and require the assistance of the Troika. On a daily basis our country was compared with Cyprus and subject of speculations in international markets."


The Prime Minister went on to say that the role she assumed was thankless. "Measures already adopted by this Government and those planned for the future are neither popular nor pleasant.  We are, however, well aware of the fact that these measures are urgently needed and we remain resolute." Among the achievements of her Government she highlighted the National Reform Programme and the Stability Programme that had to be prepared in a record time and had been approved by the European Commission despite different expectations of a significant majority. The agreement reached with the public sector trade unions was mentioned as yet another success along with the adoption of two constitutional amendments. This shows that the Government "is prepared to take a step back in order to be able to take several steps forward."  A major step forward was also the signing of an agreement to improve the situation in the judiciary, and the introduction of software that prevents the deletion of invoices and tackles the problem of shadow economy. "I wish that all citizens of the Republic of Slovenia would see a future for our country. Unfortunately, this is not the case today as many young people decide to go abroad. Young people are therefore our top priority. In the first 100 days we passed a law specifying that employers do not have to pay contributions if they employ a young person for an indefinite period of time – a measure welcomed by businessmen as well."


In closing, the Prime Minister explained that the words best describing the first 100 days of this Government were dialogue and cooperation. The key issues to be addressed in the coming months include youth, healthcare, the economy and a just state governed by the rule of law. "I am determined that my Government will be remembered for its deeds and not words. Hence, after the first 100 days we should focus on our future and not dwell on the past."