3. 10. 2013

Prime Minister at the South-Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial: "Our priority is to formulate an effective and stable strategy through which we will be capable to address all security issues emerging from the region"

Photo: Nebojša Tejić/STA

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Alenka Bratušek, attended the meeting of the South-Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial (SEDM), which is organised as part of the Comprehensive Regional Ministerial (CRM) entitled "Harmonisation of Regional Defence and Security Cooperation". In her welcome address, the Prime Minister stressed that regional cooperation, coupled with mutual trust and friendly relations, was the right path to achieving our objectives.



"We have already proved in the past that we are able to successfully cooperate in the security and defence fields," said the Slovenian Prime Minister, adding that on the basis of our knowledge and experience "our priority is to formulate an effective and stable strategy through which we will be capable to address all security issues emerging from the region". She is confident that we are on the right track to maintaining stability in South-Eastern Europe and beyond its borders, as well as to securing peace and economic development. The key to success in the time of financial crisis, however, is to recognise projects which will contribute most to developing suitable strategies for addressing regional challenges. This is one of the main reasons why we decided to join simultaneously several meetings or initiatives for today's event at the same venue. Rationalization of initiatives is the key to success.


Successful exercises, projects and working panels are the results of this type of meetings because they demonstrate close cooperation between nations sharing many common values and aspirations. Prime Minister Alenka Bratušek emphasised that "we are responsible for our own region" and, in the light of this, regional cooperation plays a crucial role in attaining the objectives in these fields.