6. 9. 2013

Slovenian Prime Minister Alenka Bratušek at the 14th annual conference of auditors, held by the Slovenian Institute of Auditors

Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA

Slovenian Prime Minister Alenka Bratušek today attended the 14th annual conference of auditors, held by the Slovenian Institute of Auditors in Radenci. The Prime Minister presented the current financial and economic situation in Slovenia to the participants and announced the introduction of measures intended to fight the grey economy. She explained that although macroeconomic analyses and forecasts for Slovenia do not indicate economic growth, there are nevertheless certain signals on the horizon filling us with the hope that the situation is improving. Above all, these are construction sector growth, export stability and improved situation in foreign markets, on which we are dependent.


The measures which the Prime Minister highlighted as urgent include the frequently mentioned boosting of economic growth and fiscal consolidation. She also emphasised that these measures have to be undertaken for our own sake and not for the sake of Europe. Among the measures that are being prepared by the Government, the Prime Minister focused on the real estate tax and fight against the grey economy. She added that several ministries participate in the preparation of measures to fight the grey economy and that they would be more specifically presented at today's session of the Economic and Social Council. 


At the close of her speech, the Prime Minister answered the questions of auditors relating to public procurement, auditing accounts of small companies and banking system analyses, reiterating that all measures which are being prepared by the Government would be fully presented at the end of September.