2. 9. 2013

Prime Minister Bratušek at the beginning of the new school year: "I wish this path will lead you towards the achievement of your dreams"

Photo: STA

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Alenka Bratušek, visited the Žalec Primary School on the first school day. Addressing the pupils of the primary school that she had attended herself, she pointed out that the first day of school was a very special day for all pupils, and especially for first-graders. "The first school day is a new experience, something beautiful and unknown. I wish it turns out to be the beginning of the path towards something beautiful and towards the achievement of your dreams," the Prime Minister said.


Prime Minister Bratušek also paid special attention to teachers and parents. She expressed her belief that they were aware of their share of responsibility in the school system and that teachers, pupils, parents, and politicians had a common responsibility for a sound educational system.