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Office of the Prime Minister

Gregorčičeva 20, 25

1000 Ljubljana


+386 1 478 1000

+386 1 478 1140







Government of the RS



President of the Republic

National Assembly

Statement by the Prime Minister Janez Janša on demonstrations announced by trade unions

In the fifteen years since its independence, the Republic of Slovenia has achieved great progress not only in terms of economic development, but also in ensuring social rights for all its citizens. Slovenia is also one of those EU member states which, relative to their level of development, allocate a very large portion of public funds for social purposes. Today we stand before major development challenges, as we try to answer the question of how to build a modern and dynamic economy, and how to establish an environment that will encourage lifelong learning and an entrepreneurial spirit which will be a solid foundation for our economic growth. And this economic growth is the only real basis for welfare and effective solidarity.

Prime Minister Janez Janša met with the Union Representatives in November 2006 (Photo: Office of the Prime Minister)

In its search for answers to the above-mentioned challenges, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia has promoted the values of a social state built on solidarity and mutual aid. We will continue to pursue these endeavours, because we see a high level of social security and high quality of public services, particularly health care and education, as essential to creating the conditions for higher economic growth. However, we must all be aware that making the next leap in quality will require that Slovenia make certain adjustments in its pursuit of development. In its endeavours, the Government seeks to follow the examples and good practices of other countries while considering Slovenia's distinctive characteristics.

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia would like to see this search for joint solutions to future challenges as a constructive collaboration between all interested parties, in particular the trade unions, with which a number of key development programmes have already been coordinated as part of the social dialogue. We wish and expect that trade unions will take an active and constructive approach towards solving these issues, and also practice this in the future.

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